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Delivering inspirational mentoring for Somerset’s most vulnerable, and disadvantaged young people

PROMISEworks is a local charity making a big difference in Somerset by offering mentoring services to disadvantaged children and young people across the county. Our mentoring services are aimed at young people between the ages of 5 and 25 who are experiencing difficulties at home or with education and training. Mentoring can fill many gaps in the lives of vulnerable or disadvantaged young people. It can establish a trusting, one-to-one relationship between them and their mentor. This sometimes becomes the only positive and stable adult influence in otherwise chaotic lives.

Images by Janko Ferlic, Christian Dubovan, Headway and Kari Shea

Vulnerable children and young people have been matched with a long term volunteer mentor
Mentoring relationships are ongoing
Young people who have graduated from the scheme
Mentoring hours last month

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Our work wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our partners. Discover who are our partners are below.

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Read our latest case studies

Learn more about our young people, what they go through and how they benefit from time spent with their PROMISEworks mentor.


Georgie was referred to PROMISEworks by the Parent and Family Support Advisor at his school. He was displaying data-heightened emotions and difficult behaviour in lessons.

His birth father committed suicide when he was seven. He had also been physically chastised by one of his mother’s subsequent partners. He often talked about not having a future and ending up “…just like my dad”.


Chrissy has Asperger’s and low-level learning difficulties. At 13, she was seriously sexually abused by a child of the same age from her youth club.

She withdrew completely from school and her parents began home educating her. This led to greater feelings of isolation for her and made it even harder for her to build positive relationships with her peers.

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We love to share insight and updates about our charity and mentoring through our social media platforms. Take a look below to see some of our posts, click to go through to view them in full and like our page for regular updates.

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2 days ago

We are part of this year's Co-op local community fund, and we are thrilled to announce that we have been chosen by a winning Co-op member to receive £5,000 as part of the ‘Winner shares it all’ 🙌🎉

This will help us to continue our work within the local community and support more vulnerable children and young people. 660 people have voted for us, can you help by choosing us as your local charity? Please click on the link below to vote. Thank you for supporting us💙

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #coop #community #communityfund #support #winners
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We are part of this years Co-op local community fund, and we are thrilled to announce that we have been chosen by a winning Co-op member to receive £5,000 as part of the ‘Winner shares it all’ 🙌🎉

This will help us to continue our work within the local community and support more vulnerable children and young people. 660 people have voted for us, can you help by choosing us as your local charity? Please click on the link below to vote. Thank you for supporting us💙 

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #coop #community #communityfund #support #winners
4 days ago

The 3rd-9th February is children's mental health week 💙

This year's key message is focused on “Know yourself, grow yourself”.

Part of the mentors journey is getting to know their young person. Building a positive relationship and fostering their sense of self-worth and self-esteem. 95% of our mentees have said mentoring has helped them.

Connect with a young person today, contact us for an application form or find out more at

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #mentalhealth #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek
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The 3rd-9th February is childrens mental health week 💙

This years key message is focused on “Know yourself, grow yourself”.

Part of the mentors journey is getting to know their young person. Building a positive relationship and fostering their sense of self-worth and self-esteem. 95% of our mentees have said mentoring has helped them. 

Connect with a young person today, contact us for an application form or find out more at 

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #mentalhealth #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek
1 week ago

Paying attention to the moment.

One of the recommended NHS 5 steps to enhancing mental health.

“We stop and smell the trees and flowers or just stop and look when out on a walk. I give my mentee photographs of us in a moment in time.“

Make a difference to a young persons life and contact us today for an application form or visit

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #flowers #inthemoment #nature #time
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Paying attention to the moment.

One of the recommended NHS 5 steps to enhancing mental health.

“We stop and smell the trees and flowers or just stop and look when out on a walk. I give my mentee photographs of us in a moment in time.“

Make a difference to a young persons life and contact us today for an application form or visit 

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #flowers #inthemoment #nature #time
1 week ago

We at PROMISE𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴 are proud of all the young people who come through our door and are carefully matched with a mentor, creating life enhancing relationships, across generations. Do you know an inspirational young person who you feel deserves recognition?

Nominations are now open. Be proud and nominate a young person today at

#promiseworks #charity #somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #VolunteerOpportunity #volunteer #nominate #prideofsomerset #awards #youngpersonoftheyear
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We at PROMISE𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴 are proud of all the young people who come through our door and are carefully matched with a mentor, creating life enhancing relationships, across generations.  Do you know an inspirational young person who you feel deserves recognition? 

Nominations are now open. Be proud and nominate a young person today at  

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #nominate #PrideOfSomerset #Awards #YoungPersonOfTheYear
2 weeks ago

Walking alongside your young person 💙

Contact us today for an application form or visit Please help us to support more vulnerable children and young people.

#promiseworks #charity #somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #VolunteerOpportunity #volunteer
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Walking alongside your young person 💙

Contact us today for an application form or visit  Please help us to support more vulnerable children and young people. 

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer
2 weeks ago

Christell Charles, our fabulous Taunton Area Co-Ordinator needs your help! 📢

If you live in the Taunton area and can spare 2 hours weekly/fortnightly please contact us today. Christell has been with PROMISE𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴 for 5 years and works tirelessly to support the vulnerable children and young people in the Taunton and surrounding area. She currently supports 25 mentor and mentee relationships and has 70 young people waiting a mentor. We ask for a long term commitment and in return we offer a 4 day endorsed training course and full support from your Area Co-ordinator.

Please help Christell and apply today at

#promiseworks #charity #somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #VolunteerOpportunity #volunteer #taunton #helpneeded #traning
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Christell Charles, our fabulous Taunton Area Co-Ordinator needs your help! 📢

If you live in the Taunton area and can spare 2 hours weekly/fortnightly please contact us today. Christell has been with PROMISE𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴 for 5 years and works tirelessly to support the vulnerable children and young people in the Taunton and surrounding area. She currently supports 25 mentor and mentee relationships and has 70 young people waiting a mentor. We ask for a long term commitment and in return we offer a 4 day endorsed training course and full support from your Area Co-ordinator. 

Please help Christell and apply today at  

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #Taunton #helpneeded #traning
2 weeks ago

We at PROMISE𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴, are extremely honoured to be sponsoring this year's Young Person of the Year, at the Pride of Somerset Youth awards 2025. Nominations are now open, and the award ceremony will take place on May 21st at the MacMillan Theatre in Bridgwater. These awards honour the remarkable achievements of young people across the county.

It's really important to give young people a voice and recognise their valuable contributions to our community. Do you know of a young person who has achieved something remarkable or have bravely overcome challenges? Nominations are now open.

Please visit to submit your nomination. Thank you 💙

#promiseworks #charity #somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #VolunteerOpportunity #volunteer #nominate #prideofsomerset #awards #youngpersonoftheyear
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We at PROMISE𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴, are extremely honoured to be sponsoring this years Young Person of the Year, at the Pride of Somerset Youth awards 2025. Nominations are now open, and the award ceremony will take place on May 21st at the MacMillan Theatre in Bridgwater. These awards honour the remarkable achievements of young people across the county. 

Its really important to give young people a voice and recognise their valuable contributions to our community. Do you know of a young person who has achieved something remarkable or have bravely overcome challenges? Nominations are now open. 

Please visit to submit your nomination. Thank you 💙

#promiseworks #charity #Somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #volunteeropportunity #volunteer #nominate #PrideOfSomerset #Awards #YoungPersonOfTheYear
3 weeks ago

The NHS has introduced 3 keys shifts and one of them is preventing sickness, not just treating it. Mentoring can enhance your mental wellbeing through making positive connections and can keep you active both in mind and body. Contributing factors to a healthier life style!

Contact us today for an application form or visit to find out more.

#promiseworks #charity #somerset #helpourpromisework #helpothers #mentoringmatters #mentoring #volunteersneeded #youngpeople #VolunteerOpportunity #volunteer #NHS #MentalHealth #Connections #wellbeing
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3 weeks ago

Mentoring can be as simple as a walk in the park! Can you spare 2 hours weekly or fortnightly? Please contact us today and start your own mentoring journey at

#promiseworks #somerset #helpourpromisework #mentoringmatters #volunteersneeded #youngpeople
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Mentoring can be as simple as a walk in the park! Can you spare 2 hours weekly or fortnightly? Please contact us today and start your own mentoring journey at 

#promiseworks #Somerset #helpourpromisework #mentoringmatters #volunteersneeded #youngpeople
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